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Changes are afoot in Reason Gaming’s Infinite Crisis team, we’ve added two new faces to the team and are seeing two faces take a step back to accomodate the changes.

First of all, we’re seeing Swen “SkullZ” Jalowietzk and Hubert “wh0” Matuszewski step back into sub & coaching roles. They’ve been great guys to have on the team, but recent results, especially in the ESL Open Beta Championship, have shown the need for change within the main roster. 

So it’s with this that we’re happy to announce we’ve brought in Kevin “Kaymak” Kaymak into the Marksman role alongside Ashley “Howlingmadash” Johnson into the Mid-laner position. 

Our General Manager Ian Sargeant had this to say about the changes;

There were changes needed after the recent ESL tournament, and the team independently came to us with Ashley & Kevin, who they feel will take this team to the next level, so we’re happy to back that decision as we look to create a strong roster to compete at the highest levels available