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After releasing our previous CSS team back in April, we were on the look out for a new team capable of representing the Reason Gaming name. After a couple of months of searching we were unsuccessful and shifted our focus to other games. However we are now happy to return to our roots with the addition of a new team, formally known as “u need us”. We feel this team has the potential and commitment to do great things in CSS. Reason has always had a CSS team since our inception in 2005, so it feels good to be back!

The new Reason.CSS lineup is:

Kevin “kev1n” Hansen
Lukas “gla1ve” Rossander
Morten “frozt” Frost
Nicolai “Hunden” Petersen
Magnus “JOKERN” Barthel

Dennis “Rytter” Rytter (Backup only)
Frederik “realition” Byskov (Team Manager)

Kev1n gave the following statement to

“So things have been thought through, things have been worked on, and now we see ourselves being taken in by Reason-Gaming. We are very happy being picked up by an organisation of this calibre, that will let us do what we do best. We have a few LAN events coming up this and next month, and we’re in it to win it. We’re looking forward to playing under the Reason tag, and it is certainly a dream come true. Last i’d like to thank Razer for making this possible, see you all out there!”

The team will be attending the One Night in Copenhagen Lan this month, as well as G4l, Slap and ESWC (invite pending) in October, so it is set to be a busy 2 months for them.

Please join me in welcoming the new team and wishing them the best of luck…