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Old rivals were faced tonight for zyv and noctis who played 4Kings in the grand finals of EMS Season VIII. On the back of an incredible performance at Dreamhack Summer 2011 with the 4on4 side, noctis and zyv were keen to face 4Kings again in the finals and no doubt wanted to bring home nothing but the win tonight. noctis and zyv have for the most part been dominating the 2on2 scene in Quake Live, and will see this as a massive victory and good reward for their effort for this season of EMS.

This victory also means that Reason Gaming have taken a double victory in the EMS Season VIII following the victory of the Call of Duty: Black Ops side!

Congratulations to both zyv and noctis on a fantastic victory tonight!

Final Standings:

  Reason Gaming – €500
4Kings – €300
 Netherlands HARD – €200

You can view the whole VOD over at Justin.TV