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One of our most recent additions, our German terran player Alexander ‘kauP Hahn has been really active recently, participating at various online cups, one of those being CraftCup Lite #96, where he managed to reach the semifinals, where the Belgian Grand Masters player from team Blast, Elvis proved too strong, taking semifinal with a 2-0 score.

On his way to the semifinals, Alexander managed to outclass players such as the Korean protoss player from team Type II Real, and the Polish zerg Tefel from team Blast.

The results from Alexander can be found below:

kauP   1 vs 0   uNdfEatAble

 kauP   1 vs 0   Freestyler  

kauP   1 vs 0   uProAvatar 

kauP   1 vs 0   TypeII ReaL

kauP   1 vs 0   BLASTǂTefel 

kauP   1 vs 0   toptisalie 

kauP   0 vs 2  BLASTǂElvis

Stay tuned to as we will keep you updated regarding our SC2 Team results in tournaments and much more !