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Reason Gaming vs. Eastern Wizards


Today our LoL team faced off against the Eastern Wizards in the Round of 16 of the Copenhagen Games.

Game 1

Bans – Reason Gaming ban: Lulu, LeBlanc, Jax Eastern Wizards ban: LeeSin, Orianna, Kha’Zix



Reason Gaming


Eastern Wizards


Steve (Top)


Saltsilden (Top)


Trashy (Jungle)

Xin Zhao

GrimalKing (Jungle)     


Sencux (Mid)


Zonizo (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Xargoni (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


CptMellow (Supp)



Reason and eW trade buffs at the start of the game and as both teams leave the jungle, a level 1 fight breaks out, with Trashy picking up first blood on Evelynn, setting her way behind.  GrimalKing spends a lot of time top lane trying to gank BarneyD and Krislund, but to no avail, ending with another death and losing the tower.  After picking up a kill on Krislund, eW tries to take the dragon but backfires when Steve teleported in, with Reason picking more kills and the dragon.

With control of the map, Reason continues the assault, taking down the mid tower and securing a 5k gold lead.  Reason forces down the inner top tower, initiating a fight.  The fight starts well for eW but a fed Sencux cleans up the fight with well placed spears.  After the fight, Reason takes another tower and another dragon, bringing their gold lead to 8k.  

With a commanding lead, Reason sieges the inhibitor tower at mid, eventually bringing it down with the poke from Sencux and Krislund.  Reason brings down the bottom inhibitor with brute force picking up 3 kills in the process.  Reason cleans up the base, bringing down all of the inhibitors and ending the game.


MVP of this game goes to Sencux, he played Nidalee very well, landing every spear he needed to bringing the game to a quick end.

Game 2

Bans – Reason Gaming ban: Lulu, Evelynn, Jax Eastern Wizards ban: LeeSin, Thresh, Xin Zhao



Reason Gaming


Eastern Wizards


Steve (Top)


Saltsilden (Top)


Trashy (Jungle)


GrimalKing (Jungle)     


Sencux (Mid)


Zonizo (Mid)


Krislund (ADC)


Xargoni (ADC)


BarneyD (Supp)


CptMellow (Supp)



Eastern Wizards begin the game with a blue buff invade, successfully taking it away.  Trashy responds by taking eW’s blue as well.  Saltsilden teleports bottom for a four man push on the bottom lane taking both outer towers down.  A misplay from Sencux gives away first blood to Zonizo, and eW takes dragon on top of it.  eW starts off well with an early lead ahead one tower and a kill.  

Coming out of the early game, eW takes down both mid lane towers one after the other, putting Reason in a tough spot moving forward.  Reason starts a fight in eW’s red jungle, taking down 4 members and the dragon, erasing eW’s lead.  The game slows down a bit after Reason equalized the gold, with both teams trading kills and towers.  

Reason takes the slow approach, sending Steve to split push top and Sencux split pushing bot.  eW tries to respond by 5 man pushing mid but a well placed teleport from Steve ends up with 2 deaths on the side of eW.  Reason tries to push the advantage into a Baron but eW stalls it long enough to make Reason back off.  With Reason forced to back, eW takes the chance and quickly grabs the Baron.  A freshly baron buffed eW pushes down mid but Reason’s still manages to repel it, picking up a kill on Xargoni as well.  Reason picks off kill after kill, allowing them to take down 2 inhibitors.  With complete control of the game, Reason regroups and marches into the base of eW, killing both the team and Nexus.

MVP of this game goes to BarneyD, after Reason struggled in the early game, he facilitated a lot of kills in the mid and late game that allowed for Reason to take control of the map. 

Tune in later today Awsomniac to watch Reason take on  in the Round of 8 over at: