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After more than 1 month within Reason Gaming our DotA 2 team is today forced to announce a roster change, as Foaad “tanari” Jadidi will be leaving the squad due to real life commitments, and taking his spot will be Erik ‘Away’ Nordlander, a well know face to some of those within our DotA 2 team.

With this change, our current lineup looks as follows:

Daniel ‘giftig’ Ivarrsson
 Kim ‘Drayich’ Larsson
 Jonas ‘hyddae’ Hinders
 Erik ‘Away’ Nordlander
 Tim ‘Xoynoznu’ Johanssen 

About the move, Kim ‘Drayich’ Larsson said the following to say to

“The reason behind the switch from Tanari to Away is that they didn’t get the cooperation to work plus that Tanari had other commitments in life. Adding Away to the team was a no-brainer for the team since he was actively playing with the team back with the previous organization TS-Gaming.“

The first tournament for the new lineup will be the JeeDota Championship #1 to take place this Saturday, where the team will face the likes of Western Wolves and 2 Pudge 1 Cup in Group D. 

Stay tuned to as we will bring you further coverage from our DotA 2 team results and news.