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Our German Terran player Alexander ‘kauP’ Hahn continues with his great progression, as he has managed to get a 3rd/4th place finish at ESL Go4SC2 #155, after beating rivals such as eSuba.DeViL, only losing to DarkHydra in the semifinals.

For a complete list of his matches, please check below:

sAs|Lycosa 0-1  [R] kauP

Assured 0-1 [R] kauP

paperMoon 0-1 [R] kauP

Megatronn 0-1 [R] kauP

eSuba.DeViL 0-1 [R] kauP

Monsteuh 0-1 [R] kauP

DarkHydra 1-0 [R] kauP

kauP has been constantly upping his game since he first joined Reason-Gaming some months ago, managing to post some great results at online cups, and just recently making it to GrandMaster, so stay tuned to for further updates regarding his progression.